Research Report

Our global offer to business: London and the UK’s competitive strengths in a critical time

Posted: 27 Jan 2022

Resource Type: Research Report


This second edition of the City of London Corporation’s benchmarking study evidences the depth and breadth of London and the UK’s global offer to business. As financial centres across the world respond and adapt to significant challenges and change, the UK continues to be the only centre to perform well across all five dimensions: innovation, reach of financial activity, resilient business infrastructure, people, and business environment.

Although all centres have been affected by pandemic-related challenges, the UK’s capability to innovate has further strengthened, and financial and professional services firms across sectors have remained strong. Firms in the UK benefit from the most globally connected market, highly skilled talent, access to capital, and regulatory and government support. These market advantages are underpinned by location benefits and a fantastic quality of life and cultural offer.

Download the full report “Our global offer to business: London and the UK's competitive strengths in a critical time”




Innovative ecosystem

Financial and professional services in the UK are part of the world’s most innovative business ecosystem. Firms have access to a globally connected market, future-focused talent and strong policy support. The UK is pioneering ideas and products in tech and bringing sustainable finance into the mainstream. The interplay of these elements continues to create a one-of-a-kind ecosystem that helps businesses succeed and shapes the future of global financial services.

Download the report for fuller analysis of the UK's strong innovation offer.


Reach of financial activity

The size of financial markets in the US is the largest worldwide – a reflection of the size of the US economy. The UK’s financial markets are boosted by their international activity. The UK remains the most globally connected banking centre and provides financial services to partners around the world. It is the world’s largest centre for international debt issuance, commercial (re)insurance and foreign exchange trading, and is becoming an increasingly attractive centre for asset management. Listing rules changes in the coming years will make the UK and London Stock Exchange an even more attractive market for foreign companies to raise capital.

Download the full report for more detail on the relative global reach of major financial hubs. 



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Resilient business infrastructure

Businesses located in London and the UK continue to benefit from unrivalled global connectivity and strong operational resilience. The UK’s location on the world map and favourable time zone make it easy for firms to cover major markets from a single location. Its leading cyber security and anti-money laundering frameworks, as well as its digital security measures, provide firms with a safe business environment.

Download the report for fuller analysis of the UK's business resilience offer. 


Access to talent and skills

World-leading universities and MBA programmes, an international workforce and a high quality of life driven by a rich cultural scene make the UK a global financial centre where financial and professional services firms can find great talent. Singapore enjoys a strong supply of digital skills, and the US business environment is increasingly attractive to international talent.

Download the full report for more on the talent and skills offering from leading centres. 


Enabling regulatory and legal environment

The UK continues to have the most favourable regulatory regime for financial services. Firms located in the UK benefit from innovative regulators, a strong legal system and a transparent business environment.

Download the full report for more on the comparative regulatory environments of different financial centres. 


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