
Experts in insurance

The UK's offer

  • The world’s largest commercial and specialist insurance market, operating in 200+ countries worldwide
  • A talent pool of over 300,000 people working in the UK insurance industry
  • Over 400 authorised insurance companies in the UK
  • Europe’s largest insurtech hub – the only global insurance hub with a leading technology ecosystem
  • A large and developed consumer market for insurance products
  • Commitments to transition underwriting portfolios to net zero by 2050 from key industry players

Future-focused risk management

The UK's dynamic ecosystem, mature market, with deep reserves of capital and expertise equip it to manage complex and challenging risk. It is home to Lloyds, the world's largest most mature specialty insurance market, operating in over 200 countries worldwide. London's specialism and reach make it possible to insure virtually any activity in any location. Close to 70% of  London Market’s premium is sourced outside of the UK.

From cyber insurance, climate-related risks mitigation to insurtech innovation, the UK insurance sector continues to evolve to serve the world’s changing needs. London’s global connectiveness and specialist expertise place it in a strong position to provide future-focused solutions.

Innovating Insurance

The latest report in our 'Powering the fintech revolution' series draws on insights and case studies highlighting how insurtech has the potential to innovate the insurance industry.

Download 'Innovating Insurance'

Leading innovation in the sector

The natural home of innovation, the UK ecosystem brings startups and tech firms together with the brand power, experience and capital of more established firms. This has led to new product development, more relevant coverage, capabilities and platforms in the fast-growing insurtech sector. 

Securing the future

London is the only location that is a global insurance hub and also a cyber-security hub. 25% of all global cyber insurance goes through the City of London

Securing the future

Home to innovation

The UK is Europe’s insurtech hub. London has the same number of insurtech unicorns as the rest of Europe combined, and globally is second only to Silicon Valley.

Home to innovation

Expertise and reach

The London Market is the largest global insurance hub with US$159bn of gross written premium.

The Association of British Insurers publishes further statistical information about the UK insurance industry.

Find out more from ABI


of all aviation, energy and marine insurance worldwide provided by the UK market

Top 20

London is the only place where every top 20 insurance and reinsurance firms has a presence


of total global (re)insurance market was controlled by the London market in 2022, making it the largest underwriting centre in the world

The future of cyber insurance

28% of all cyber insurance flows through the City of London. Discover the ambition for London to become the pre-eminent global hub for cyber insurance, the benefits this will have for the broader UK, and how the London cyber security ecosystem and insurance industry can collaborate to achieve this.

Read the full report


UK-based insurers

UK-based insurers hold £1.7tn in assets


contribution to UK economy

The UK insurance and long-term savings industry contributes £36bn to the UK’s economy


of premiums written by the London Market - the largest global hub

Magnet for trade

n 2022 the UK recorded a trade surplus of £17.4bn in insurance and pension services,  one of the largest surplus of the world's major insurance economies

Partner Story

Many Pets

Many Pets

Partner story



Partner Story



Partner story



"The talent pool here is excellent both in insurance and technology. And there is a large pool of technical resource in the UK. It's a place that people are attracted to come and work. There's a lot of opportunity here for people"

Gethin Jones and Laurent Sabatié, Co-Founders Skyline Partners

Everything you need

The UK offers you everything you need to grow your business.

We have a global outlook, which means we understand your business needs. The depth and breadth of our offer mean unparalleled opportunities for you to grow. Innovation is what we do - creating an inspirational ecosystem where you can thrive. 

Choose the UK