What else are you doing to increase access for pension savers to high growth companies?
At the recent Mansion House speech, alongside the package of measures to unlock UK pension fund capital, the Chancellor asked us to consider opening up the Bank’s pipeline of pension funds investment into growth companies. That means establishing an investment vehicle for pension funds to enable them to invest through the British Business Bank. So, we are engaging the market with lots of conversations. The question is whether there is appetite for the Bank to play an increased and more active role in giving pension funds access to UK VC. But also UK private debt, which is a significant area of investment for us. We are currently rolling out the second generation of those, to the tune of £1.6bn. It will be for the government to decide the way forward on this, informed by our market engagement. And from a policy perspective, we can see the City of London Corporation’s report Vision for Economic Growth – a roadmap to prosperity has highlighted the supportive voices for the work of the Bank.
What other initiatives do you have in place to foster investment in UK high-growth industries?
Our Life Sciences Investment Programme is a £200m programme managed by British Patient Capital designed to address the growth equity finance gap faced by high-potential UK life sciences companies. Through LSIP, we make cornerstone commitments to later stage life sciences venture growth funds with a strong UK focus.
We also have a programme called Future Fund: Breakthrough. Through this programme, managed by British Patient Capital, we directly back some of the most innovative high growth firms in the UK and encourage investment from private investors. The £375m programme again includes some great investments for example in UK R&D intensive industries. We’re helping investors access ground-breaking businesses and the funding we deliver is driving innovation and growth in the UK.