Leadership and structure
The Transition Finance Market Review is an independent Review led by Vanessa Havard-Williams, supported by an Expert Group and a secretariat. The Expert Group will provide evidence-based views, share expertise, and support the Review lead with the delivery of the Review's workplan.The Expert Group includes representatives from financial institutions, corporates, standard setters, thinktanks and academia.
Review Lead
Vanessa Havard-Williams
Chair, Transition Finance Market Review
Expert Group
André Abadie
Managing Director, Centre for Carbon Transition, JPMorgan
Clara Barby
Senior Partner, Just Climate
Bridget Beals
Partner, Head of Decarbonisation, Climate & Nature, KPMG
Joanna Bonnett
Immediate Past President / Chair of the Appointments, Remuneration and Audit Committee, Association of Corporate Treasurers
Dr Ben Caldecott
Director, Oxford Sustainable Finance Group, University of Oxford; Member, UK Climate Change Committee; Co-Head, Secretariat, Transition Plan Taskforce
Alice Carr
Executive Director for Public Policy and Just Energy Transition Partnerships (JETPs), Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ)
Rebekah Clement
Corporate Affairs Director, Lloyd's
James Close
Head of Climate Change, Natwest
Jonathan Dunn
Head of Climate, Anglo American
Daniel Hanna
Global Head of Sustainable Finance, Barclays
David Harris
Head of Sustainable Finance Strategic Initiatives, LSEG
Kate Levick
Associate Director, Finance & Resilience, Third Generation Environmentalism (E3G); Co-Head, Secretariat, Transition Plan Taskforce (TPT)
Steven Lizars
Partner, Sustainable Finance Advisory, Deloitte
Rain Newton-Smith
Chief Executive, CBI
Will Oulton
Sustainable Investment Advisor, Oulton-ESG Ltd
Anjuli Pandit
Managing Director, Head of Sustainable Bonds for EMEA and the Americas, HSBC
Thomas Tayler
Head of Climate Finance, Aviva Investors
Councillor Irem Yerdelen
Lead Member for Sustainable Finance, City of London Corporation
Secretariat Co-Heads
- Jamie Armour - Department for Energy Security and Net Zero
- Ashleigh Lee - City of London Corporation
International Lead
- Joseph Feyertag - Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change & the Environment, London School of Economics and Political Science
The secretariat is supported by the following organisations
- Barclays
- CBI (Confederation of British Industry)
- Deloitte
- E3G
- IIGCC (Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change)
- J.P. Morgan
- PwC
- Ricardo
- UK Finance
Legal advice provided by A&O Shearman
Communications support provided by Cognito
The secretariat is hosted by the City of London Corporation