
Green Horizon Perspectives: Optimism and Opportunities

Posted: 28 Apr 2021

Resource Type: Multimedia

Green Horizon Perspectives Inaugural Event: Optimism and Opportunities – The Road to COP26 and Beyond

Green Horizon Perspectives was a series of live digital magazine shows focusing on the issues that matter to accelerating the mobilisation of climate- and nature-positive finance.

This inaugural 90-minute virtual event celebrated the United States re-joining the Paris Agreement and the sense of global optimism brought about by their renewed commitment to the climate crisis.

The event was also an opportunity to recap on the key themes that came out of the Green Horizon Summit 2020 as well as setting the stage for COP26, outlining the priorities for the finance stream on the road to Net Zero.

With dialogues focusing on the enormous opportunity the transition offers financial services to generate new, green revenue streams and the importance of global, cross-sector collaboration in building a stable and profitable financial sector in a resilient Net Zero economy.

Green Horizon Perspectives

Episode 1

Episode 1

Green Horizon Perspectives

Episode 2

Episode 2

Green Horizon Perspectives

Episode 3

Episode 3 - How impact data creates hope

Filmed at the Natural History Museum in London, a father and daughter explore the vital role of understanding the real impact of our purchases and investments on solving our climate crisis. Why universally accepted ESG reporting standards and metrics are so important; and whether a new global data platform that has verified impact data for the whole supply chain could be the missing piece of the jigsaw. Featuring : David Marriage, Dad and Global Disruption and Innovation Lead at PwC, and Ruby, his daughter.

Warming stripes: an emblem for climate action

With 2021 looking set to be a big year for action on climate change, communicating the science and sparking conversations is more important than ever. The ‘warming stripes’ created by Professor Ed Hawkins do just this in a striking yet simple way.

In this video, created by the University of Reading for the launch of the Green Horizon Perspectives 2021 series event hosted by City of London Corporation and Green Finance Institute (and supported by the World Economic Forum), Ed explains how the stripes have gained worldwide recognition, being shared by millions, from US senators to rock bands, appearing at international climate change events, and even popping up on a Tesla.

The stripes speak to everyone, regardless of language and background, making them an ideal emblem for climate action as world leaders meet to discuss commitments to attempt to meet the Paris Agreement targets.

Green Horizon Summit - The Pivotal Role of Finance

With a year to go until COP26 takes place in Glasgow, the City of London Corporation and the Green Finance Institute, supported by the World Economic Forum, held a major summit in November, focussing on the role of green finance in the recovery from COVID-19. 

Watch highlights from the Summit

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